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A member registered Nov 12, 2016

Recent community posts

It's super cute!

It's a great result even if it's simple.

I've to admit that I was expecting some a little lewd, but I'm not complaining. lol

I really like the game. The art, music, and minimap are great features.

I'm obsessed with Casey! <3 <3 <3  looking forward to seeing more of him in the next updates.

 It would be best if you guys improve a better way to play with one hand. Like continuing the dialogue with the space key and moving through the place with "WASD" or the arrow keys. 

I had only one bug, if you fail Mia's mini-game the game the dialogue will stuck there. At least in the first interaction with her.

I like the game, but it's freaking hard! Even if you choose "easy".  I haven't seen not even one lewd scene. lol

I don't know if it is a glitch, but I can't notice when an object grows or shrinks. I have to guess every time. 

Looking forward to seeing how the project improves.

The download always fail after a while.

Looking good. I'm gonna give it a try.

The game crash when I try to walk through the first door.
Someone knows why?